3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

Gum Reshaping Can Enhance Your Smile

Silk Dental Can Reshape Your Gums With Laser Treatment

There are several factors that can make your gum line recede or become discolored. This can cause a less than desirable esthetic appearance of your smile and even oral health problems. At Silk Dental in Dallas, Texas, we offer several types of cosmetic procedures that can improve the visual appearance of your smile. Reshaping can remove or change the placement of tissue in the oral cavity and allows your smile to be smoother and more even. In today’s blog, we’re here to tell you what to expect when getting this procedure done.

Read more: Gum Reshaping Can Enhance Your Smile

Gum Placement Changes The Appearance Of Your Smile

There are several reasons why you may have excessive tissue that overlaps your teeth or a minimal amount that shows too much of your teeth. You may notice that this leads to your teeth looking longer or shorter than others.

-Genetics: Some people are born with more gingiva than others. This can create visual concerns for some of our patients. While having long gums does not affect your health, it may cause you to dislike your smile.

Periodontal Disease: This problem can cause the recession of your oral anatomy. Once you get the necessary deep cleaning treatments done to stop the spread of gingivitis, you may be able to get this procedure done. Your dental provider will have to make sure that your oral health is in good condition before doing this treatment.

-Excessive chewing/grinding: People who have bruxism or other grinding problems over time may experience a change in their gum shape. For this problem, we recommend getting a custom oral appliance to stop the grinding. Once this problem is addressed, you may take a cosmetic approach to improve your smile.

How Does This Cosmetic Procedure Work?

 Just like veneers or teeth whitening, this is a cosmetic – not restorative – technique that improves the appearance of your gingiva. This is tailored to fit your needs and can remove extra tissue or reshape your current gums. Using laser technology, your dentist will go in and trim away the excess so that your teeth can appear larger and more even.

After the procedure, you may experience amounts of soreness. Be sure to rest up, don’t eat anything too hot, and refrain from using tobacco or smoking. The healing process can take a few weeks for your tissues to feel back to normal again. Once healed, you will follow your oral hygiene routine as usual. Be sure to brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist every six months to maintain good health. Cosmetic solutions are not a replacement for healthy teeth, these processes only enhance your features.

Reshape Your Gums Today!

If you’re ready to improve your smile and boost your confidence, schedule your appointment today. For more information, contact SILK Dental Wellness in Dallas, TX at 214-969-7455 or use our online request system.