3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

How Clear Aligners Provide Invisible Orthodontics

dallas clear aligners
dallas clear aligners

When you have misalignment, such as crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, then your oral health could suffer and this could impact the appearance of your smile too. But our team can offer a cosmetic approach using clear aligners instead of metal braces. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about how Invisalign® and ClearCorrect provide even smiles!

The Causes and Complications of Dental Misalignment

How do we end up with misalignment? This could occur due to a number of factors, such as thumb sucking in childhood, premature loss of baby teeth that complicates how permanent teeth erupt, tooth loss in the teen and adult years, wisdom tooth eruption, and more. When you have uneven smiles, this can cause malocclusion, with a higher risk of issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding), jaw and facial aches, and a more difficult time brushing and flossing, which leaves you more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease. Finally, the impact on your appearance could make you less social and more self-conscious about your smile, leading to issues with your quality of life. But we can help address these complications and protect your smile with our clear aligners!

How We Create Your Custom Aligners

We offer ClearCorrect® and Invisalign® to shift your teeth into their proper positions, all without the need for metal braces! To begin, we will examine your smile and take multiple factors into account before we choose which option is right for you. Once we know, we will use a tiny digital camera at the end of a thin wand to quickly and comfortably gather pictures of your smile from multiple angles, combining them to create a computer 3D impression far more accurate than a traditional physical one. In a lab, experts will use the impressions to design and craft your aligners, each one custom-made for your smile.

What to Expect From Treatment

Once your aligners are ready, you will begin wearing a set for about 20 to 22 hours a day over a period of about two weeks. At which point you begin to wear the next set in the series, continuing the process and gently repositioning your teeth to correct misalignment. During treatment, the orthodontics can be removed for cleaning and to make mealtime much simpler. Being removable also improves your ability to care for your smile during treatment.

If you have any questions about our cosmetic orthodontics like ClearCorrect® and Invisalign®, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence, so give us a call today!

Schedule A Visit for Invisible Braces

An even smile improves your overall oral health and appearance, and we can help with cosmetic aligners. To schedule this surgery, call Silk Dental in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 969-SILK (7455).