3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

Teeth Whitening Can Brighten Smiles By Several Shades

kansas city whitening

If you want to obtain a significantly brighter smile, then you need professional teeth whitening instead of store-bought options. Our team offers two different options to brighten smiles by several shades, and can help you choose the right one. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about professional teeth whitening.

When to Seek Treatment

You should seek treatment if you have teeth stains you want to see removed. Store bought options can offer minor results, but these are short lived and many people complain about tooth sensitivity. With our professional options, we can brighten smiles by multiple shades, sometimes in as little as one visit. Our team will conduct an examination to identify the factors behind your teeth stains and to assess the severity of your discoloration. With this information, we can then plan treatment with the most appropriate teeth whitening treatment.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

For fast results, we can offer an in-office option that brightens smiles by several shades in only one sitting. No need for multiple visits! The process involves applying a powerful bleaching gel to the front of the teeth. No need for a bright light, the gel is chemically activated and breaks up teeth stains to brighten the smile by multiple shades. If you need results before your next holiday party, first date, or job interview, then talk to us about our in-office treatment option.

Our Take-Home Whitening Kits

If you have more severe discoloration, our team can brighten your smile from home with a set of plastic trays and a powerful bleaching gel. We will custom-made your trays based on detailed digital images we take of your smile, so they fit comfortably and ensure the results are even across your smile. You take these trays home with you, as well as multiple plastic syringes of bleaching gel. At home, you fill the trays with gel and wear them for a set amount of time, usually one to two hours a day. After a week to ten days, you can obtain smiles multiple shades brighter. The trays are easy to use, and you can keep them and any leftover gel for touch-ups down the road. For many, teeth could be eight shades brighter!

If you have any questions about our approach to professional teeth whitening, then please reach out to our team today. We would love to help you brighten your smile before the holidays! You can also use your 2023 dental benefits before they expire at the end of the year.

Brighten Your Smile Today!

We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy good oral hygiene for years to come. For more information on our cosmetic treatments, contact SILK Dental Wellness in Dallas, TX at 214-969-7455 or use our online request system.