3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

How A Dental Cleaning Protects Your Oral Health

dallas dental cleaning

When you don’t undergo a routine cleaning every six months, then you risk the onset of gingivitis and gum disease, which could threaten your oral health and smile stability. But our team can safeguard your periodontal health with a simple dental cleaning. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about dental cleanings.

The Causes of Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Why do plaque and tartar coat our teeth? This occurs when harmful oral bacteria can break down particles of sugar and starch left behind by the foods and drinks we’ve enjoyed. As they consume these particles, this coats the teeth in a sticky layer of plaque, which hardens with time into tartar. Lack of proper brushing and flossing and infrequent dental cleanings also allow plaque to grow in severity. The buildup then weakens and erodes enamel to cause cavities, and could inflame gum tissues to cause gingivitis and gum disease. While brushing and flossing can limit how much plaque accumulates, only a professional cleaning can remove these layers can protect your oral health.

The Traditional Process

We recommend a traditional one every six months for patients ages two and older. These regular visits allow us to keep an eye on your smile for signs of trouble, and removing the buildup reduces the risk of cavities and periodontal concerns. The procedure itself is simple. Our team will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick to gently and thoroughly break up and remove all plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth and along the gum line. We then polish your teeth, a process that makes your smile brighter and also makes it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the surfaces. But what if you already exhibit warning signs of gingivitis or gum disease? At this stage, you may need a scaling and root planing.

What About a Scaling and Root Planing?

The scaling and root planing is designed to remove harmful buildup from not just the teeth, but the roots and beneath the gum line. We use the same tools, but the procedure is more involved and could take one to four visits, depending on the severity of the buildup. We will numb your teeth and gums to keep you comfortable, and again polish your smile afterward. Following the procedure, a traditional cleaning every three to four months could be prescribed to keep your smile strong and healthy. If you have any questions, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Safeguarding Your Smile’s Health

Our team wants to offer preventive care to help you avoid serious oral health concerns. If you would like to learn more about keeping your gums healthy and strong, then reach us at Silk Dental Wellness by calling (214)969-SILK(7455).