Are you uncertain or overwhelmed at the possibility of a tooth extraction procedure? No matter the cause of your concern, losing a vital part of your smile can be difficult for some. Our Dallas, TX dental practice aims to make this process as smooth as possible so that you feel comfortable in every step along the way in your path to dental security. There are a few different paths available in the replacement of a fully missing tooth, from bridges to partial dentures.
The most technologically advanced solution after an extraction comes with a dental implant with a biointegrated titanium post. This process begins with the placement of a threaded metal bolt that grows into the bone material of the jaw. After recovery, this new location can give you an unparalleled new bite, often showing a marked improvement over your natural teeth. Chew with confidence through a dental implant surgery procedure here in Dallas!
Implants Create A Strong Bond
The key to the success of a dental implant procedure lies in the threaded metal post that provides its stability. Titanium is a unique metal that connects with our immune system like any other. Instead of viewing this new material as a foreign object, we protect the location. Our bone actually grows with a tight healthy connection, allowing its use as the base for a beautiful new prosthetic. Whether you require a molar or an incisor, this procedure can help you to renew your bite.
After your post completes the necessary recovery, it can serve as the foundation for your smile even if you happen to lose more teeth. In fact, a process known as implant-supported dentures is quickly becoming one of the most popular whole-mouth solutions. This concept uses this technique to mount full prosthetics instead of relying on the use of glues or other adhesives. Talk to your provider about the possibility of a strong replacement for your whole mouth needs, and see the difference!
Protect Your Jaw From Reabsorption
A lasting concern that accompanies the loss of a tooth is a biological process known as reabsorption. When our body decides that a certain area of our health is no longer worth saving, it can take those resources and place them where it feels useful. Unfortunately, this can occur within the bone of the jaw at the location of an extraction.
Other methods of replacement such as a bridge or a partial denture may function well in chewing and appearance. When it comes to saving as much of your natural bone, however, an implant solution can give you a strong jaw that will last!
Renew Your Smile In Dallas, TX
Tooth loss can be overwhelming. Let us help you through each step of the process in a new dental implant with a comfortable and calming experience. Call Silk Dental Wellness in Dallas, TX at (214)969-SILK(7455) to schedule a consultation today!