3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

Stay On Top Of Your Oral Health With A Checkup

checkup dallas tx

Has it been some time since your last visit with the dentist? If you have been putting off your routine examinations and cleanings, take this opportunity to find your way back to a positive schedule of appointments at the dental office. These visits are vital in keeping your smile safe as you age, and most people need them at least every six months. Some patients require an accelerated schedule of treatment, so always talk with your dentist about your timeline of care.

With our preventive dental experts at Silk Dental Wellness in Dallas, TX, you have the opportunity to stay on top of your oral health with consistent checkups. Take some time to schedule your next visit and keep the focus on your dentistry all the time. Without these appointments, you put yourself at risk of developing serious concerns such as tooth decay and periodontal disease, so it is important to stick to your schedule. Give us a call today to set up your next semiannual checkup!

Feel Fresher With A Safer Smile After A Dental Cleaning

When you come into the office for a dental cleaning, you give yourself the chance to be free of harmful bacterial buildup. As microorganisms feed upon the remnants of food leftover between your teeth and along your gumline, they leave behind a form of biofilm known as plaque. This is what you brush and floss away each day, and if this stays within your mouth, it can become a serious problem.

Over time, this material hardens into a calcified form called tartar. At that point, you can no longer safely remove it on your own with brushing and flossing, and instead, you need a trained dentist or dental hygienist to help you clean your mouth. Plaque and tartar lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease, so take your smile care seriously!

Ask All Of Your Oral Health Questions During Your Examination

Alongside cleanings, dental examinations are a pivotal part of your oral health maintenance. This part of your semiannual checkup helps you to understand any changes that are going on in your mouth, and we want you to feel comfortable asking all of your questions.

If it helps you, keep a smile journal for the days or weeks before your exam. This can be a benefit as many patients struggle to remember all of their concerns!

Schedule Your Next Appointment With Silk Dental Wellness

If it has been a while since your last appointment, take this opportunity to improve your oral health with a dental checkup. To learn more or to schedule your next visit, give us a call at Silk Dental Wellness by calling (214)969-SILK(7455).