3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

Recontouring Gums With Laser Technology

dallas gum recontouring
dallas gum recontouring

Do you have a smile that shows off too much gum? If so, this is referred to as a gummy smile, and it could alter the appearance of your smile. But we can help with cosmetic dentistry. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about how we use laser dentistry to recontour and reshape the gum line and remove excess tissues.

The Impact of a Gummy Smile

When you have a smile that shows too much gum, this can make your teeth appear small or uneven, and could make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your smile. For others, this could mean swelling in the tissues that is related to periodontal disease, which could lead to tooth loss unless treated. When you have any concerns regarding the appearance of your gums, please let us know so we can see if they need recontouring or treatment for periodontal disease.

The Benefits of Laser Technology

Dental lasers are specially calibrated to handle soft tissue concerns, and can address these issues with precision and accuracy, preventing damage to healthy structures. The process takes one visit, and the lasers destroy harmful bacteria to lower the risk of infection and swelling, as well as bleeding. The area heals quickly, with most people returning to their normal routine in 24 to 48 hours, and there is often little need for dental anesthesia either. Our team will gently mark the areas that need to be removed and reshaped, and use the lasers to trim away these portions. We recontour the gum line to ensure proper esthetics, so you feel great about your appearance.

Treating Periodontal Disease

What if you have swelling and other warning signs of periodontal disease, such as bleeding, redness, or recession? Our team can use the same lasers to remove the diseased portions of your tissues, so moving forward we can use preventive care to manage the disease and control plaque and tartar buildup, keeping your smile whole and healthy. Your gums frame your smile and support your teeth, so good oral health is crucial for a full and stunning smile.

If you have any questions about how our team will diagnose and treat issues like a gummy smile with recontouring, or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you feel confident in your smile and also enjoy better oral health and bite function too.

Schedule A Visit for Cosmetic Dentistry

We can offer cosmetic care for your entire smile, including your gums! To schedule this surgery, call Silk Dental in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 969-SILK (7455). If you want to obtain a smile that looks great, talk to us about our cosmetic treatment options.