3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

Placing Lifelike Crowns In Only One Visit

dallas dental crowns
dallas dental crowns

When a tooth needs a restoration, we always take a custom approach. Our team will craft a crown made specifically for your smile, providing optimal restoration. Not only that, but your Dallas, TX, dentist can create and place a crown in only one visit with advanced CAD/CAM technology and an onsite milling machine! In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about what to expect from the process of creating and securing a same-day dental crown.

When Teeth Needs Treatment

A crown is also known as a full restoration, and will cover the entire visible portion of your tooth. Our team will use them to address cracked or chipped teeth, or to lengthen worn down structures and address misshapen teeth too. Placement can take on tooth decay too severe for a filling alone. If you have a dental infection, one can complete the root canal procedure. Placement could also improve overall bite balance and chewing function too. If you have missing teeth, they can help secure a custom bridge in place or even restore a single tooth dental implant. Our team can create and place one in a single visit with the CEREC system!

The CEREC System

To begin, we will gently numb the tooth being treated so we can remove structure from it comfortably, making room for your new restoration. Our team then gathers detailed digital images of the tooth from multiple angles, and uses them to create a 3D impression. We upload the information into an onsite milling machine, which will craft the restoration from a solid block of dental ceramic. The material can handle daily bite forces with ease, and also be shaded to blend with your smile too.

The Placement Process

When the machine completes your new restoration, we will check the fit and make any necessary adjustments to it. We then place the finished restoration with a powerful bonding agent. The completed dental crown will then stay in place for years to come with proper care and attention, blending with your smile and providing a dependable chewing surface as well. If you have any questions about how our team can design and place same-day dental crowns, or if you have a damaged or aching tooth that needs treatment, then contact our team today to learn more. You deserve a comfortable and healthy smile, and we want to help!

Schedule A Visit for a Custom Dental Repair

We want to offer dental repairs that improve the health, function, and even the beauty of your smile. To schedule this surgery, call Silk Dental in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 969-SILK (7455). We can help repair and restore your tooth, and even offer lifelike replacement as necessary.