3600 McKinney Avenue, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75204

The Benefits Of Dental Implant Bridges

dallas dental implant bridge
dallas dental implant bridge

When you have a missing tooth, we can place an individual dental implant. But! What if you have a gap of two to four missing teeth in a row? If so, we can help with a dental bridge. Not only that, but your Dallas, TX, dentist can offer secure and long-lasting tooth replacement with dental implant-secured dental bridges.

The Risks of Tooth Loss

We could lose our teeth to injury, untreated cavities or infection, or in most cases, the late stage of gum disease known as periodontitis. When we lose teeth, this could cause nearby teeth to shift due to the gap, creating misalignment that further harms the appearance and health of your smile. Missing teeth could also complicate how you eat and speak, and the body will suspend the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jaw. Without these nutrients, the jawbone weakens to cause further tooth loss and eventually, an aged appearance. But by supporting a bridge with dental implants, we can help prevent these complications.

Dental Bridges

The bridge portion is a prosthetic that can replace between two and four missing teeth in a row. The prosthetic will contain new teeth with crowns attached to one or both ends. We custom-make these based on detailed digital images and impressions we take of your bite. The prosthetic itself is crafted from ceramic, which can be shaded to blend with your smile and can handle daily bite forces with ease.

Placing Dental Implants

Instead of attaching the crown portions to abutment teeth, we will insert one to two dental implants into the jaw. These act as new roots and stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to prevent the breakdown linked to further tooth loss and an older appearance. Once we insert these into the jaw, we can attach the crown portions of the prosthetic to them, which offers a full smile. Since dental implants preserve the jaw, your new teeth can stay in place for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime.

To keep them strong and in place, be sure you brush and floss daily, and clean the spaces between the top of the gums and the bottom of the prosthetic. See our team for a checkup and cleaning too, so we can remove harmful plaque and tartar from the smile and monitor your new dental prosthetic. If you have any questions about how we replace missing teeth with an implant-secured dental bridge, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule A Visit to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Our team can fill the gap in your smile and offer long-lasting results with our dental implant supported prosthetic! To schedule this surgery, call Silk Dental in Dallas, TX, today at (214) 969-SILK (7455).